Friday, January 8, 2010

Who's Your Daddy?

Last semester, our older daughter, Kristin, had to withdraw from school for emotional and medical reasons.  She was so dejected and disappointed in herself for having to do so.  In addition, she had so much anger towards her mother and i that she couldn't even bear the thought of living with us so she went and lived with my mother-in-law.

During the time off from school she got medicine, she picked back up her exercising and eating better and just basically doing everything she could to get herself  well again.  The goal being to go back to school this semester.  Well, she did it.

Two days ago (01/06), i drove her back up to Oklahoma State University to get her set up in the new apartment she found.  When i say new, it's not just that it's new to her, they are brand new apartments.  They opened last October just off campus.  It's roughly 3/10 of a mile to the building she has most of her courses in.  The on-campus dorm room she was in last semester was 8/10 of a mile.  Funny, huh?  Move off-campus and you're actually closer to where you need to be AND into a practically brand spanking new furnished apartment.

Like i said, i moved her up two days ago and i spent the night there in Stillwater.  Karla didn't go.  Mainly because there just wouldn't have been enough room without having to rent a truck, or trailer (which would've meant putting a trailer hitch on the car, etc...).  Plus, with our younger daughter, Haley, still in high school,  we felt it better for Karla to stay home.  It was a good decision.  It was a good opportunity to have some daddy and daughter time.

While getting her all set up in the apartment, she expressed her worries and fears about what to expect this semester and more so this whole next year.  We had some really good talks.

Anyway, originally i was going to come home Wednesday night but when we talked about when i would leave, i could tell she wanted me to stay.  She wouldn't say it but you know how it is.  It was obvious she wanted me to stay, so i did.  Fortunately with the layout of the apartment and the fact that her roommate is not due back until this weekend AND the extreme cold that moved through the area, it was a good decision.  i slept on the couch.  The next morning we got up, had breakfast and made another Wal-mart run to pick up stuff we missed the night before.

When it came time for me to leave, AFTER having lunch at Eskimo Joe's of course, it was sweet.  She still acted all little girl-like in that she didn't want me to go yet but she knew what kind of traffic i'd have going back.  It was a rare move on her part that she wanted to get a picture of the two of us together outside her apartment building AND i got one of the biggest hugs i've ever had from her in a loooooong time.  It was a good time.

Good Luck Kristin!  Daddy loves you!


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