Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Music to my ears.

In the past week, i received some awesome words of encouragement.  Words that validated the emotions i've been dealing with over issues in my life.

i was totally dumbfounded by it because USUALLY i'm the encourager, not the encouraged.  As i read the words, i felt a deal of vindication (for lack of a better word) in that what i've been trying to do and AM doing will not be wasted.  That God is seeing my efforts and recording them.

What the person doesn't/didn't know is how much i was really needing to such positive feedback.

What gets me is in all this "stuff" that's been going on, the people you'd THINK would give you encouragement have been, for the most part, silent.  The pastors at the church, while not totally silent, have only given the stereo-typical, biblical words they're most likely required to, or just plain used to, give out to their congregations.  But it feels more like min-preaching than encouragement.  The family members you'd think would/should support you when you're having troubles basically say nothing because they have no frame of reference to compare to.  And friends?  Well, those that know have only uttered words like "been there, done that", or "keep your head up", or some other sort of bland societal-accepted response.

No, what i got was what felt like genuine concern for my well-being as well as my soul, from a friend i would not have felt privileged enough to even ask for their time, much less words.  i have been truly blessed.

When was the last time someone said something encouraging to you?

When was the last time you encouraged, i mean TRULY, encouraged someone who really needed it?

Thanks for reading and i hope and pray that God is moving in and through you in ways that leave a smile on someone's face and heart.


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