Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Don't Panic.....RUN!!!!!!

Trying not to freak myself out.

I've signed up for my first 50K, the Antelope Island Buffalo Run, in Utah on March 23. Check it out====> Antelop Island Buffalo Run

Did i mention it's my first?    (*teeth chattering*)

Ddon't get me wrong, i'm as excited as hell at testing my endurance not only at this distance but on trail running as well.   I've NEVER been considered a fast runner by ANY stretch of the imagination but recently when i learned that you basically take your average road pace and add 3-4 minutes?  Well, now i'm just getting scared whether or not i'll finish in the 10 1/2 hour course limit.  But i'm still willing to try!

There's just so much to learn and consider.

      I live in Texas at around 550 feet above sea level. This event starts at 4,200 with it's highest point around 5,000.

     I'm a newbie to both trail running and 50K so i've learned there's new course etiquette i need to learn. You mean i can't just run on the sidewalk when i'm passing or being passed?

     Drop bags!  What the hell do i put in them and how many do i need????

    And, so, so , so much more!!!!

So, yeah.  Fear!  Trepidation!  Excitement!  Anticipation!  among other feelings are plaguing me at the moment.  Wish me luck!

Happy Running!

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