Saturday, January 2, 2010

HELLO???? Anyone in there?

Since when did "shutting down" become such an option?

It seems that i'm surrounded by people who through some weird turn, or another, think it's best to just "shut down" when faced with any sort of confrontation.  Well, let me correct that.  Any sort of confrontation that is not of their choosing.

Oh sure, if it's the subject matter THEY want to discuss, well then it's fine to dive bomb, say whatever they want and then act as if everything's okay.  But when it's not what they want to talk about, they just shut down.  I hear "i don't want to talk about", "it's not important", "i don't feel good" or "it doesn't matter" when OBVIOUSLY it freakin' does.

Does this strategy even work?  I wonder.  When i get that treatment and try multiple times to clear the air and get everything out in the open, i get to the point of "why bother?"  "i've told you how i feel and that what you are thinking/feeling/wanting is important to me." and they STILL shut down?   I mean, REALLY, what is the point?

Yet, my trying the line of relational warfare is just not allowed.  i love the double-standards that are currently swirling around me right now.  UGH!!!!

So, if you want to talk?  Great. I'm more than willing to answer.

If not, then go ahead, shut down.  i've got other things i'd rather do than deal with this.


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