Pretty much every day i'm asking God for the Grace my family needs to get us through all the ummmm....:stuff"....that life is throwing at us. Well, yesterday, i think He was either a little hard of hearing or distracted because this is the Grace we got.....
Meet Grace (we call her Gracie). We adopted her from the animal shelter yesterday. She's roughly 8-10 weeks old and is a german shepherd mix. While she'll never be able to replace Kirby, who we had to have euthanized in Spetember, she should be able to fill in at his place by my side as my new running buddy. Our other dog, Mercy, is a little over 9 years old now. She's reached that point where she's just a little too old to be going the longer distances. i can't wait for Gracie to get old enough to head out with me.

Thanks God for this Grace you have brought to us.
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