Well God, here we are at the end of another year, another decade. i think it's no understatement that this past decade, and specifically this last year, that have probably been the hardest. What bugs me, though, about saying that is it's also these past 10 years that i returned to the path you set out before me.
As You very well know, God, that i spent the prior 25 years away from You. We had more money and less financial troubles. Our relationships were, it felt like, much more healthier. At least then it didn't seem like my family was falling apart.
What does that all mean? Why have the last 10 years been so freakin' hard? What is it in me that has brought this on my family and myself? What could i have done different?
i pray God that i don't use this as an excuse to turn away from You again. i KNOW the right thing is to stay on this path and see where it goes. i just need you to keep showing me the next step. No, i'm DEPENDING on you to show me that next step because i don't have the courage to go blindly into whatever direction my heart tells me to. Maybe that's what You've been needing from me all along, huh?
With great apprehension i'm looking forward to the new year/decade but as with all time-related things, i can't hold it off. i'm just hoping it's not more of the same.
Thank You, God, for ever-watching out for me and my family and all the blessings you have reigned down on us.
laters.(see you next year)
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Just make sure your shoes aren't tied together.
"It's been days, or is it nights?", he thinks to himself since he noticed that light far off in the distance. It seems like years since he's had the courage to look up from his cold, worn hands. Not worn from years of hard work. No, from years of worry. Of strain. "How long HAS it been?", he asks himself, knowing the answer all to well to even answer it out loud.
But that light. Why was he noticing it now? "Has it been there all this time?", he wonders. "What could it possibly mean?" "IT DOESN'T MATTER NOW!!!!", he yells at the top of lungs, knowing no one is listening.
"I can't. I just can't do it", he whispers. It's just to scary these days. Not knowing where to start. Where to look. Where he'll end up.
He was once told he'd always be given enough light to see the next step, but these days? Well, he has enough trouble just trying to see his feet. That is, unless he holds them up to his face. "And, that's just no way for one to walk, now is it?", he chuckles to himself. But still, he did notice that light. It had to mean something that he would see it at this moment in time and in his life.
After a bit of thinking, it occurred to him that even though the distance seems way too far for his comfort level, he had to go see what it is. The funny thing is that as he started to stand up, he noticed something quite humorous. Both of his feet were already pointing in the right direction.
Regardless, he's taking the security of his worries with him.
But that light. Why was he noticing it now? "Has it been there all this time?", he wonders. "What could it possibly mean?" "IT DOESN'T MATTER NOW!!!!", he yells at the top of lungs, knowing no one is listening.
"I can't. I just can't do it", he whispers. It's just to scary these days. Not knowing where to start. Where to look. Where he'll end up.
He was once told he'd always be given enough light to see the next step, but these days? Well, he has enough trouble just trying to see his feet. That is, unless he holds them up to his face. "And, that's just no way for one to walk, now is it?", he chuckles to himself. But still, he did notice that light. It had to mean something that he would see it at this moment in time and in his life.
After a bit of thinking, it occurred to him that even though the distance seems way too far for his comfort level, he had to go see what it is. The funny thing is that as he started to stand up, he noticed something quite humorous. Both of his feet were already pointing in the right direction.
Regardless, he's taking the security of his worries with him.
Monday, December 28, 2009
When Expectations Exceed Reality
All too often i get myself trapped up in my expectations of what i think i would like to get for Christmas. So, with the troubles and struggles i've had this year, i lowered my expectations way, way, WAY lower than i ever had before THINKING there was no possible way for me to be disappointed this year.
i was wrong.
Don't get me wrong, with the addition of Grace to our family, the new remastered Beatles CD's AND Beatles Rock Band game i got, i consider myself VERY lucky and blessed. i don't have one single complaint about those tangible gifts. It's the intangible ones i'm struggling with. There were only 3 simple "unmentionables" (he says hiding his face) that i had in mind with only one specific one i had hope for. Yet, nothing.
Surely you know what i mean.
Those "things" we feel we can't share out loud about our lives? Our situations? Those things that we just shouldn't be asking for? Now, i know they may be things we're NOT supposed to ask for because either our spouses, familes, etc... just wouldn't approve, or even God would not have for us. But we still think about them, don't we?
Or, am i really alone in this thinking?
Sorry to whine but i'm just feeling a little bit like this guy, today.
i was wrong.
Don't get me wrong, with the addition of Grace to our family, the new remastered Beatles CD's AND Beatles Rock Band game i got, i consider myself VERY lucky and blessed. i don't have one single complaint about those tangible gifts. It's the intangible ones i'm struggling with. There were only 3 simple "unmentionables" (he says hiding his face) that i had in mind with only one specific one i had hope for. Yet, nothing.
Surely you know what i mean.
Those "things" we feel we can't share out loud about our lives? Our situations? Those things that we just shouldn't be asking for? Now, i know they may be things we're NOT supposed to ask for because either our spouses, familes, etc... just wouldn't approve, or even God would not have for us. But we still think about them, don't we?
Or, am i really alone in this thinking?
Sorry to whine but i'm just feeling a little bit like this guy, today.
Not to worry though, as always, i'll find a way to get over, through or under it and be fine tomorrow.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Not so much a Christmas miracle, per say....
This doesn't happen too often at Christmas in our "neck of the woods". As you can see in the foreground, Bugsy was quite surprised by that cold, white stuff on his fenders, etc.... He just sat there.
Hope your Christmas was a safe and happy one! God Bless.
Hope your Christmas was a safe and happy one! God Bless.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Be careful what you ask for....
Pretty much every day i'm asking God for the Grace my family needs to get us through all the ummmm....:stuff"....that life is throwing at us. Well, yesterday, i think He was either a little hard of hearing or distracted because this is the Grace we got.....
Meet Grace (we call her Gracie). We adopted her from the animal shelter yesterday. She's roughly 8-10 weeks old and is a german shepherd mix. While she'll never be able to replace Kirby, who we had to have euthanized in Spetember, she should be able to fill in at his place by my side as my new running buddy. Our other dog, Mercy, is a little over 9 years old now. She's reached that point where she's just a little too old to be going the longer distances. i can't wait for Gracie to get old enough to head out with me.

Thanks God for this Grace you have brought to us.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Where Size Really Does Matter
From today's "Our Daily Bread".
"Jesus must increase; I must decrease."
This is so much easier said than done, isn't it?
Every time i think i'm doing really good with this. That i'm doing things following that whole "WWJD" idea, something seems to always set me back. i'm not exactly sure what it is i'm doing wrong. Maybe it's that i'm getting too cocky (pun intended) about my doings?
i seem to be able to "calm the waters" of the storms brewing between family members only to find those raging within myself are out of control. Or, as i focus inward to still those troubles, chaos always erupts on the home
front, or job, or church, etc.....
Finding that balance in between is proving to be ever so elusive at times.
Oh, i know more prayer, or studying the Word, or quiet meditation, etc... can often help but they aren't always the end-all answers. It's that lack of "hearing God" and all that He's telling me about where He wants me to be and what He wants me to do, is the trouble, i think. All too often, i just don't have the patience to "be still".
So, Lord? Thank you for your patience with me to increase what You are doing in and through me while i work to lessen what is leaking through of me. i know i al to only be a vessel through which Your waters flow. i'll continue to try and not contaminate it so much. Thanks!
"Jesus must increase; I must decrease."
This is so much easier said than done, isn't it?
Every time i think i'm doing really good with this. That i'm doing things following that whole "WWJD" idea, something seems to always set me back. i'm not exactly sure what it is i'm doing wrong. Maybe it's that i'm getting too cocky (pun intended) about my doings?
i seem to be able to "calm the waters" of the storms brewing between family members only to find those raging within myself are out of control. Or, as i focus inward to still those troubles, chaos always erupts on the home
front, or job, or church, etc.....
Finding that balance in between is proving to be ever so elusive at times.
Oh, i know more prayer, or studying the Word, or quiet meditation, etc... can often help but they aren't always the end-all answers. It's that lack of "hearing God" and all that He's telling me about where He wants me to be and what He wants me to do, is the trouble, i think. All too often, i just don't have the patience to "be still".
So, Lord? Thank you for your patience with me to increase what You are doing in and through me while i work to lessen what is leaking through of me. i know i al to only be a vessel through which Your waters flow. i'll continue to try and not contaminate it so much. Thanks!
It's in the genes.....or is that jeans?.....i forget
Yesterday, our pastor did an awesome message titled "Mothers Around the Manger" in which he explained why Matthew chose to list women of 'questionable" virtues in Jesus' family tree in the first verse(s) of Matthew. He listed Tamar, Rahab, Ruth and Bathsheeba. I can't do it any justice whatsoever, so i won't even try but suffice it to say, it was quite the eye-opener for me this year.
Mind you, i've read the lineage and heard this before about these 4 women but i guess with the year i've had it struck a particular heart-string in me. Although i've always known and understood the forgiveness that comes along with Jesus' presence in this world, this is a year i REALLY needed to be reminded of it.
i've been VERY hard on my myself. Verbally beating myself up. Keeping off to myself. Doing that 'self-exile" kind of thing. While i'm not out of the woods on that just yet, i'm feeling much better about my circumstance and all the consequences that have come along with it.
It was good to be reminded, in such a different way, that no matter the sins of my past, or those in my lineage, God still loves me so incredibly and reassures me that there is nothing i can't that could ever change that.
OBVIOUSLY, that goes for everyone in all His creation as well, but then again, this post was all about me! :)
Thanks, God. Thanks!
Mind you, i've read the lineage and heard this before about these 4 women but i guess with the year i've had it struck a particular heart-string in me. Although i've always known and understood the forgiveness that comes along with Jesus' presence in this world, this is a year i REALLY needed to be reminded of it.
i've been VERY hard on my myself. Verbally beating myself up. Keeping off to myself. Doing that 'self-exile" kind of thing. While i'm not out of the woods on that just yet, i'm feeling much better about my circumstance and all the consequences that have come along with it.
It was good to be reminded, in such a different way, that no matter the sins of my past, or those in my lineage, God still loves me so incredibly and reassures me that there is nothing i can't that could ever change that.
OBVIOUSLY, that goes for everyone in all His creation as well, but then again, this post was all about me! :)
Thanks, God. Thanks!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
A Triangle with Endless Sides
I'm in a triangle that seems no matter how hard i try, i just can't get out of. From my vantage point, this puts the Bermuda Triangle to shame.
i have a daughter who is VERY angry at her mother (my wife) for the mistakes she made in raising both our girls and is basically refusing to forgive her unless she can go back in time and fix everything. In turn, i have a wife that is VERY angry at her mother (my mother-in-law) for the mistakes she made in raising her and is basically refusing to forgive her unless she can go back in time and fix everything.
Now. i have a mother-in-law who has tried very hard to work things out with her daughter (my wife) by trying to be apologetic for the the wrongs she committed but yet feels very victimized by her daughter (my wife) fro being so unforgiving. From there i have a wife who has tried very hard to work things out with her daughter by trying to be apologetic for the wrongs she committed but yet feels very victimized by her daughter (my wife) fro being so unforgiving.
So, my daughter has a very hard time trying to be patient with her mother (my wife) when talking to her about ANYTHING so every conversation ultimately ends up in an argument with each blaming the other for their troubles in life. In addition, my wife has a very hard time trying to be patient with her mother (my mother-in-law) when talking to her about ANYTHING so every conversation ultimately ends up in an argument with each blaming the other for their troubles in life.
Further, my daughter gets angry at her grandmother (my mother-in-law) for not being able to set things straight with her daughter (my wife) WHILE my mother-in-law gets perturbed at her grand-daugther (my daughter) for speaking her mind about such matters since she is giving her money to go college.
Now, since this post is REALLY all about me, let's turn the story back on Our Hero (that'd be me).
Once, during a counseling session, i described the dynamics of this whole amazingly confusing relationship and how each of them looks to be to correct the behavior of the other two. Now here's what SHE (yes, the counselor is a female) said. "Stay out of it!" To which i calmly replied, "Easier said than done!". Ther problem with THAT strategy is that it happens quite often that when i try to follow it, i get accused of taking one of the other person's side and am not caring about the feelings of whoever i'm am talking (or try not talking) with at the time. Throw in that i'get accused of being uncaring, selfish and am only looking out for my own well-being when, in fact, all i'm trying to do is to "STAY OUT OF IT!"
This has been going on for years now, i tell ya, YEARS!!!!!
Some of you might think, and may even suggest, it's time that i cut my losses and move on. i'm not allowed to do so. My parents taught us, as well as my faith, that you marry for life. That it really is "'til death do us part'. I strongly believe that. In addition, i strongly believe that with time, a LOT of prayer, and even MORE healing, this triangle will eventually become a circle. A circle of faith. Of love. Of compassion. And mostly, of Forgiveness.
But i ain't holding my breath....not yet. :)
God Bless!
i have a daughter who is VERY angry at her mother (my wife) for the mistakes she made in raising both our girls and is basically refusing to forgive her unless she can go back in time and fix everything. In turn, i have a wife that is VERY angry at her mother (my mother-in-law) for the mistakes she made in raising her and is basically refusing to forgive her unless she can go back in time and fix everything.
Now. i have a mother-in-law who has tried very hard to work things out with her daughter (my wife) by trying to be apologetic for the the wrongs she committed but yet feels very victimized by her daughter (my wife) fro being so unforgiving. From there i have a wife who has tried very hard to work things out with her daughter by trying to be apologetic for the wrongs she committed but yet feels very victimized by her daughter (my wife) fro being so unforgiving.
So, my daughter has a very hard time trying to be patient with her mother (my wife) when talking to her about ANYTHING so every conversation ultimately ends up in an argument with each blaming the other for their troubles in life. In addition, my wife has a very hard time trying to be patient with her mother (my mother-in-law) when talking to her about ANYTHING so every conversation ultimately ends up in an argument with each blaming the other for their troubles in life.
Further, my daughter gets angry at her grandmother (my mother-in-law) for not being able to set things straight with her daughter (my wife) WHILE my mother-in-law gets perturbed at her grand-daugther (my daughter) for speaking her mind about such matters since she is giving her money to go college.
Now, since this post is REALLY all about me, let's turn the story back on Our Hero (that'd be me).
Once, during a counseling session, i described the dynamics of this whole amazingly confusing relationship and how each of them looks to be to correct the behavior of the other two. Now here's what SHE (yes, the counselor is a female) said. "Stay out of it!" To which i calmly replied, "Easier said than done!". Ther problem with THAT strategy is that it happens quite often that when i try to follow it, i get accused of taking one of the other person's side and am not caring about the feelings of whoever i'm am talking (or try not talking) with at the time. Throw in that i'get accused of being uncaring, selfish and am only looking out for my own well-being when, in fact, all i'm trying to do is to "STAY OUT OF IT!"
This has been going on for years now, i tell ya, YEARS!!!!!
Some of you might think, and may even suggest, it's time that i cut my losses and move on. i'm not allowed to do so. My parents taught us, as well as my faith, that you marry for life. That it really is "'til death do us part'. I strongly believe that. In addition, i strongly believe that with time, a LOT of prayer, and even MORE healing, this triangle will eventually become a circle. A circle of faith. Of love. Of compassion. And mostly, of Forgiveness.
But i ain't holding my breath....not yet. :)
God Bless!
Friday, December 18, 2009
The good and bad of it all
Do NOT let that cute little face fool you for one minute!!!!
This little urchin thwarted me out of my prized possession at last night's Christmas party that my manager had. Yep! That's it in the background. A model of an early year classic vw beetle cabriolet. The wheels turned. The steering wheel actually turned the front wheels. The seats could be moved. the gear shift moved. Both doors worked. Both the luggage compartment hood and deck lids opened. *SIGH* I want to cry!
i am NOW going to hold her responsible for destroying any shred left i had of feeling that Christmas spirit i've been lacking this year. That's right, it's HER fault!!!!!!!!
It was a little bit of what i was needing. God knew what was missing in my heart and was kind enough to put this event there to re-ignite the embers.
Here are our two girls. While they're older now, they still got into the spirit of the party. It was good to see the smiles on their faces.
~~~~~Click on all 3 images to see a larger version~~~~

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Oh, Kiss my Glass!
i just watched the new trailer for Tim Burton's "Alice in Wonderland". It looks freakin' AWESOME!, i tell ya'!
i want to be Tim Burton and/or Johnny Depp so bad just to be able to work on such a project.
Mark your calendars for March 5th, 2010. Is it too early to stand in line, yet????
i want to be Tim Burton and/or Johnny Depp so bad just to be able to work on such a project.
Mark your calendars for March 5th, 2010. Is it too early to stand in line, yet????
Not on my plate, you won't!
Ever have one of those days where you feel like 'chopped liver'?
Yeah. Me too.
Yeah. Me too.
~~~It's beginning to look a lot like....uh.......what?~~~
Baby steps, i say! Baby steps. lol
i FINALLY got the Christmas tree up Monday evening. And wow!, i actually put the lights on it last night.
This has been such a odd year at our house. We usually have the Christmas tree, all the yard art and lights out on the house the day after Thanksgiving.
i guess we just aren't feeling this year. Chalk it up to all the drama between the various family members and in-laws (and out-laws) and those few extraneous "others" that have flowed in and out of our lives.
Yep! Not quite the banner year for us but i have to believe it's a great thing is that we have each other. Couple that fact with the blessings we've all been given, and this Christmas has the makings of being just as meaningful as any in the past, if not more so. We'll see.
i FINALLY got the Christmas tree up Monday evening. And wow!, i actually put the lights on it last night.
This has been such a odd year at our house. We usually have the Christmas tree, all the yard art and lights out on the house the day after Thanksgiving.
i guess we just aren't feeling this year. Chalk it up to all the drama between the various family members and in-laws (and out-laws) and those few extraneous "others" that have flowed in and out of our lives.
Yep! Not quite the banner year for us but i have to believe it's a great thing is that we have each other. Couple that fact with the blessings we've all been given, and this Christmas has the makings of being just as meaningful as any in the past, if not more so. We'll see.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Forgiveness is an Action
Think about this. What do you do when that little old lady darts across 3 lanes of traffic, causing you to slam on your brakes, just so she doesn't miss her turn? Or that inconsiderate jerk, uhhhh i mean 'gentleman', that darts past you JUST before you reach the finish line of the half-marathon you just completed? Or the little kid that just dropped ice cream on your shoe? Do you stay angry at them for the rest of your life? Do you put a time limit on how long it will be before you forgive them?
In all three of these situations, these people didn't intentionally do anything to you personally. They just weren't thinking about what they were doing or how it would affect the others around them. So, what if they NEVER apologize? Is that a reason NOT to forgive them? EVER?
This is how i came to the thought about forgiveness being an action. It seems that a lot of people think you only forgive once the offending person apologizes, or shows remorse, contrition, etc.... I'm sure you've had people in your life who you felt like hurt, or offended, you in some way and yet has never owned up to it?
i'm curious. Did you forgive them? If not, will you be able to if they never admit it?
Maybe i'm wrong (which i've been known to be), but from what i understand in my reading the Bible is that Forgiveness doesn't come with a price tag, nor does it come with a debt. In addition, aside from the forty years where God let the Israelites roam the deserts for 40 years, i haven't seen any indication that Forgiveness is based on a time-table. What i mean is that if someone offended you for over a 12 month period that it should take 12 months of good behavior before you are to forgive them. Does that make sense?
To me, to Forgive is simply that. To Forgive. And THAT sounds like a action to me. Not a reaction.
Now, because i ain't always so good at that, it's time for me to go out and practice what i preach.
In all three of these situations, these people didn't intentionally do anything to you personally. They just weren't thinking about what they were doing or how it would affect the others around them. So, what if they NEVER apologize? Is that a reason NOT to forgive them? EVER?
This is how i came to the thought about forgiveness being an action. It seems that a lot of people think you only forgive once the offending person apologizes, or shows remorse, contrition, etc.... I'm sure you've had people in your life who you felt like hurt, or offended, you in some way and yet has never owned up to it?
i'm curious. Did you forgive them? If not, will you be able to if they never admit it?
Maybe i'm wrong (which i've been known to be), but from what i understand in my reading the Bible is that Forgiveness doesn't come with a price tag, nor does it come with a debt. In addition, aside from the forty years where God let the Israelites roam the deserts for 40 years, i haven't seen any indication that Forgiveness is based on a time-table. What i mean is that if someone offended you for over a 12 month period that it should take 12 months of good behavior before you are to forgive them. Does that make sense?
To me, to Forgive is simply that. To Forgive. And THAT sounds like a action to me. Not a reaction.
Now, because i ain't always so good at that, it's time for me to go out and practice what i preach.
Monday, December 14, 2009
I Ain't NO Supermodel!
That title comes as a shock to you doesn't it? I KNOW! RIGHT????
Well, it's true, so after you get over the initial shock and catch your breath, read on.
But, i am a model....to my family and my friends. Now, before you fall out of your chair laughing, let me explain. While there's absolutely NOTHING that Mr. J, Ms. J or even the ever-amazing Tyra Banks can do for this physique carved out of jello and a profile resembling that of the Sphynx (as it looks today), i'm NOT talking about modeling in the sense of fashion design and photgraphy. I'm talking about the kind of modeling i feel God calls on us ALL to do.
I feel it's my responsibility to model Compassion, Grace, Humility, Kindness and, yes, even that "F" word, Forgiveness. How i call on my family, or tell my friends, how they should exhibit these qualities (and all those that go along with them) unless i first model them in my own actions? It's get back to that "walking the talk" adage. i HAVE to do it before i can ask others to do it, right?
Do i suck at it sometimes? Oh my gosh, YES!!! Am i perfect in doing it? Positively, NO!!! But that shouldn't ever keep me from trying over and over and over and (see where i'm going here?) over again, right?
Fortunately, i've had these qualities, and SO MUCH more, modeled for me many times over the last 2000+ years. Every time i pick up the Bible and read through sections of the New Testament, i see time and time again the type of "Model" i'm supposed to be in front of my family, my friends, my co-workers and mostly, God (notice i didn't say "my" God). When i see the compassion and love that Jesus showed others, i'm in complete awe. Most often, i'm speechless as i come to the realization of just how far short i fall of ever being matched up to His life. But that's never going to keep me from trying.
So, all i ask is that if, actually WHEN, you see me fail at "modeling" these characteristics towards you or those around me, i just ask you to remember that i'm a "work in progress", okay? I mean, when you really think about it, aren't we all?
Well, it's true, so after you get over the initial shock and catch your breath, read on.
But, i am a model....to my family and my friends. Now, before you fall out of your chair laughing, let me explain. While there's absolutely NOTHING that Mr. J, Ms. J or even the ever-amazing Tyra Banks can do for this physique carved out of jello and a profile resembling that of the Sphynx (as it looks today), i'm NOT talking about modeling in the sense of fashion design and photgraphy. I'm talking about the kind of modeling i feel God calls on us ALL to do.
I feel it's my responsibility to model Compassion, Grace, Humility, Kindness and, yes, even that "F" word, Forgiveness. How i call on my family, or tell my friends, how they should exhibit these qualities (and all those that go along with them) unless i first model them in my own actions? It's get back to that "walking the talk" adage. i HAVE to do it before i can ask others to do it, right?
Do i suck at it sometimes? Oh my gosh, YES!!! Am i perfect in doing it? Positively, NO!!! But that shouldn't ever keep me from trying over and over and over and (see where i'm going here?) over again, right?
Fortunately, i've had these qualities, and SO MUCH more, modeled for me many times over the last 2000+ years. Every time i pick up the Bible and read through sections of the New Testament, i see time and time again the type of "Model" i'm supposed to be in front of my family, my friends, my co-workers and mostly, God (notice i didn't say "my" God). When i see the compassion and love that Jesus showed others, i'm in complete awe. Most often, i'm speechless as i come to the realization of just how far short i fall of ever being matched up to His life. But that's never going to keep me from trying.
So, all i ask is that if, actually WHEN, you see me fail at "modeling" these characteristics towards you or those around me, i just ask you to remember that i'm a "work in progress", okay? I mean, when you really think about it, aren't we all?
America's Next Top Model,
New Testament,
Tyra Banks
Friday, December 11, 2009
i question my faith A LOT! But not in the way you may be thinking.
You see, i believe we're supposed to have such questions. Surely you know what i mean. All those times that come in our lives where we just have to ask questions like: "Is this what God wants me to do?", "How can i know for sure this is the direction i should go?", "Where, Lord, should i look?", and so on....
Those are the kinds of questions i mean. I guess i'm saying that if i was AS COMFORTABLE in my faith and beliefs as i'm taught i'm supposed to be, maybe those questions wouldn't come up so often.
i was looking at my wife's GPS device the other day and it dawned on me how much God wants to be my internal GPS guidance. i realize this may be no new news to you but you've got to remember, i drive a very old, slow car. It just takes me a little longer to there get. LOL
Anyway, recently, while driving with the GPS on, i took a wrong turn and the GPS immediately went into it's "recalculating" mode. It didn't call me an idiot for making the wrong turn (i had the sound turned down). It didn't even frown at me (i had the human face function turned off). It just casually rebuilt the directions i needed to get on with the journey.
That's what i believe God has set up for. Since He already knows every move we're ever going to make, i think He put "Recalculations" into our 'systems'. However, in our case, He's used a wide variety of resources for re-directing us. i mean after all, He created everything so what's NOT as His disposal?
So, when i'm having a little trouble with my 'compass' all i need to remember is that God has already recalculated the directions for the path He wants to lead me back too. Whether it be through a church, a pastor, a friend, a song, or simply a single verse in the Bible, i will ALWAYS find the directions i need fo r my trip.
Thank you, Lord, for eliminating all the "dead ends" and providing me with all the alternate routes i will surely need on my journey. Oh, and by the way, thanks for being patient with me all those times where i seem to think i'm a much better driver than You.
You see, i believe we're supposed to have such questions. Surely you know what i mean. All those times that come in our lives where we just have to ask questions like: "Is this what God wants me to do?", "How can i know for sure this is the direction i should go?", "Where, Lord, should i look?", and so on....
Those are the kinds of questions i mean. I guess i'm saying that if i was AS COMFORTABLE in my faith and beliefs as i'm taught i'm supposed to be, maybe those questions wouldn't come up so often.
i was looking at my wife's GPS device the other day and it dawned on me how much God wants to be my internal GPS guidance. i realize this may be no new news to you but you've got to remember, i drive a very old, slow car. It just takes me a little longer to there get. LOL
Anyway, recently, while driving with the GPS on, i took a wrong turn and the GPS immediately went into it's "recalculating" mode. It didn't call me an idiot for making the wrong turn (i had the sound turned down). It didn't even frown at me (i had the human face function turned off). It just casually rebuilt the directions i needed to get on with the journey.
That's what i believe God has set up for. Since He already knows every move we're ever going to make, i think He put "Recalculations" into our 'systems'. However, in our case, He's used a wide variety of resources for re-directing us. i mean after all, He created everything so what's NOT as His disposal?
So, when i'm having a little trouble with my 'compass' all i need to remember is that God has already recalculated the directions for the path He wants to lead me back too. Whether it be through a church, a pastor, a friend, a song, or simply a single verse in the Bible, i will ALWAYS find the directions i need fo r my trip.
Thank you, Lord, for eliminating all the "dead ends" and providing me with all the alternate routes i will surely need on my journey. Oh, and by the way, thanks for being patient with me all those times where i seem to think i'm a much better driver than You.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Remembering the miles
Yep. I've done 6 marathons (didn't complete the 6th but THAT'S a different story).
I was forty years old for the first one. The first marathon i ever ran, well, COMPLETED. i know this because i had decided i wanted to do my first marathon at the age of 40 PLUS i was hoping that my dad would stay alive long enough to see me do it, or at least hear that i did it.
i had picked to do The Rock in december of 1999. i paid the registration fee and everything. Training started in August (most training programs are 5 months). i turned 40 a month after training started.
One early morning in November, the 14th to be exact, i was supposed to do 20 miles so i was going to run my 10 mile route twice. Well, at the end of the first 'loop' something told me i needed to go in the house and just as i opened the door, the phone started ringing. It was my mom saying the doctors told her that dad wasn't going to make it through the day. He died that night. He never got to see me do my first marathon or hear me tell him about it.
Needless to say, that took the wind out of my sails. i didn't do any running for almost a month. When the day approached for The Rock, i just couldn't do it so i let Karla's brother have my race bib so that he didn't have to pay.
Fortunately, though, a couple of weeks after that, i got back into it. i REALLY needed to run to get over the stress of dad being gone so i set my focus on the Forth Worth CowTown which was coming up in February, 2000. Fortunately, i wasn't too far off track with my training and was able to do it. Well, at least i showed up. lol
It was, unfortunately, an unusually VERY warm day for that marathon and within 6 miles i had to start walking A LOT! Here's the really cool part, though. Around mile 16, i wanted to give up. i was hot. My knees and ankles were hurting because i had trained for a totally different type of course and i was almost in tears. Just as i was about to give up, sit down and wait for the "Sag Wagon" to come along, i heard something deep down. As if he were standing RIGHT next to me, i heard my dad say "Come on, Rob. You can do it!"
Dad was the ONLY person i let call me "Rob". I NEVER liked being called that but, from dad, it was totally okay. So, i know that it was him. i know it sounds nuts but it just had to be.
Well, it was very hard and i had to walk WAY MORE than i preferred but i completed my first marathon in a blistering 6 hours and 27 minutes.
SHEESH!!!! I've seen SNAILS move faster than that! lol
But, i did it!!! AND i did it with my dad seeing and hearing and knowing.
Thanks dad! I love you! I still miss you SOOOO much!!!!
In memory of: Karl A. Megert, Born: August 15, 1924. Died: November 14, 1999.
I was forty years old for the first one. The first marathon i ever ran, well, COMPLETED. i know this because i had decided i wanted to do my first marathon at the age of 40 PLUS i was hoping that my dad would stay alive long enough to see me do it, or at least hear that i did it.
i had picked to do The Rock in december of 1999. i paid the registration fee and everything. Training started in August (most training programs are 5 months). i turned 40 a month after training started.
One early morning in November, the 14th to be exact, i was supposed to do 20 miles so i was going to run my 10 mile route twice. Well, at the end of the first 'loop' something told me i needed to go in the house and just as i opened the door, the phone started ringing. It was my mom saying the doctors told her that dad wasn't going to make it through the day. He died that night. He never got to see me do my first marathon or hear me tell him about it.
Needless to say, that took the wind out of my sails. i didn't do any running for almost a month. When the day approached for The Rock, i just couldn't do it so i let Karla's brother have my race bib so that he didn't have to pay.
Fortunately, though, a couple of weeks after that, i got back into it. i REALLY needed to run to get over the stress of dad being gone so i set my focus on the Forth Worth CowTown which was coming up in February, 2000. Fortunately, i wasn't too far off track with my training and was able to do it. Well, at least i showed up. lol
It was, unfortunately, an unusually VERY warm day for that marathon and within 6 miles i had to start walking A LOT! Here's the really cool part, though. Around mile 16, i wanted to give up. i was hot. My knees and ankles were hurting because i had trained for a totally different type of course and i was almost in tears. Just as i was about to give up, sit down and wait for the "Sag Wagon" to come along, i heard something deep down. As if he were standing RIGHT next to me, i heard my dad say "Come on, Rob. You can do it!"
Dad was the ONLY person i let call me "Rob". I NEVER liked being called that but, from dad, it was totally okay. So, i know that it was him. i know it sounds nuts but it just had to be.
Well, it was very hard and i had to walk WAY MORE than i preferred but i completed my first marathon in a blistering 6 hours and 27 minutes.
SHEESH!!!! I've seen SNAILS move faster than that! lol
But, i did it!!! AND i did it with my dad seeing and hearing and knowing.
Thanks dad! I love you! I still miss you SOOOO much!!!!
In memory of: Karl A. Megert, Born: August 15, 1924. Died: November 14, 1999.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
On the way to work this morning, i got to experience cold, crisp and clean air, gorgeous colors of all the trees changing and an amazing sunrise.
My apologies to all the other drivers out there, but i just KNOW God painted that especially for me!
But, i didn't mind sharing it. :)
My apologies to all the other drivers out there, but i just KNOW God painted that especially for me!
But, i didn't mind sharing it. :)
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Humongously Miniscule
Lately, i've been making a real effort to take notice of the little blessings in my life. It's amazing when you realize all the tiny little ways your life has been blessed when you really stop to think about it.
Oh sure, it's easy to pick out the big ones. A roof over our heads. Decent vehicles to drive. Good job(s). Great church. On and on.
But what about the little ones? A smile from a stranger. A simple word of encouragement from a close friend. The laugh of a child.
The more and more i see these things around me, the less i'm focusing on all the negative things going on in my life.
i've heard it preached many times, that we are to thank God in ALL circumstances, situations, etc.... i've been really concentrating on doing just that and, or course, life isn't feeling so bad these days.
Oh sure, it's easy to pick out the big ones. A roof over our heads. Decent vehicles to drive. Good job(s). Great church. On and on.
But what about the little ones? A smile from a stranger. A simple word of encouragement from a close friend. The laugh of a child.
The more and more i see these things around me, the less i'm focusing on all the negative things going on in my life.
i've heard it preached many times, that we are to thank God in ALL circumstances, situations, etc.... i've been really concentrating on doing just that and, or course, life isn't feeling so bad these days.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Gray Matters
You know God, i could go on but mostly it's the Right/Wrong that is troubling me today.
There are SOOOOO MANY people out there spouting of what is "right" and what is "wrong". AND so many that THINK they just KNOW what You say is right and wrong.
i get all that. i do. It's all there in black and white.
But here's the thing. That's NOT exactly where i find You. It seems, these days, i'm finding you more in those gray areas of my life, my thoughts and my heart.
i guess it's just that the "gray matters: have been looming so large in my life lately. Maybe that's just making it so much easier to find You.
Thank you, God, for being in all the gray matters of my life. Right now, i'm not seeing an end to them anytime soon.
You know God, i could go on but mostly it's the Right/Wrong that is troubling me today.
There are SOOOOO MANY people out there spouting of what is "right" and what is "wrong". AND so many that THINK they just KNOW what You say is right and wrong.
i get all that. i do. It's all there in black and white.
But here's the thing. That's NOT exactly where i find You. It seems, these days, i'm finding you more in those gray areas of my life, my thoughts and my heart.
i guess it's just that the "gray matters: have been looming so large in my life lately. Maybe that's just making it so much easier to find You.
Thank you, God, for being in all the gray matters of my life. Right now, i'm not seeing an end to them anytime soon.
Measuring up.
i've heard SO MANY times in my life about how we're supposed to live our lives being a "Christ-like" as i possibly can.
i'm not feeling it.
Lately, i've found myself comparing myself to so the "losers" of the Bible. You know who i'm talking about, right? Those people God put in the Bible purely as a means to teach us from the perspective of "don't let this happen to you".
Now, i can say with great confidence that at least i haven't pulled the crap they have. i can take comfort in that thought, true. However, my owns failings and shortcomings are looming GREATLY during this holiday season. As we are supposed to be feeling all that "Christmas cheer", i'm not sure i am.
Too many mistakes. Too many f-ups. Too many things that just keep showing me i am SOOOOO far from being "Christ-like".
Maybe that's the point. i know THAT'S what Jesus was brought to the world for. To help/heal those of us that just aren't "feeling it".
So, until that Christmas feeling arrives, i'll just have to take refuge in the stable, in the manger, in Christ. Maybe, JUST maybe, then i'll be able to get back on the Christ-like wagon.
Thank you, God, for your patience in me.
i'm not feeling it.
Lately, i've found myself comparing myself to so the "losers" of the Bible. You know who i'm talking about, right? Those people God put in the Bible purely as a means to teach us from the perspective of "don't let this happen to you".
Now, i can say with great confidence that at least i haven't pulled the crap they have. i can take comfort in that thought, true. However, my owns failings and shortcomings are looming GREATLY during this holiday season. As we are supposed to be feeling all that "Christmas cheer", i'm not sure i am.
Too many mistakes. Too many f-ups. Too many things that just keep showing me i am SOOOOO far from being "Christ-like".
Maybe that's the point. i know THAT'S what Jesus was brought to the world for. To help/heal those of us that just aren't "feeling it".
So, until that Christmas feeling arrives, i'll just have to take refuge in the stable, in the manger, in Christ. Maybe, JUST maybe, then i'll be able to get back on the Christ-like wagon.
Thank you, God, for your patience in me.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Thinking of become a "waiter"
God keeps saying to 'wait' but isn't quite indicating "for how long".
i know. i know. i know. God works with own time schedule. i know all that, but that doesn't necessarily make it any easier.
Yes, there's comfort and assurance in knowing that His way is best ALL the time. True.
i just ask you to remember, when was the last time you REALLY wanted something to happen and was a little antsy "waiting" on God? Well, that's where i am right now.
So. Like. "ANY DAY NOW, GOD!" would be okay with me. lol
God keeps saying to 'wait' but isn't quite indicating "for how long".
i know. i know. i know. God works with own time schedule. i know all that, but that doesn't necessarily make it any easier.
Yes, there's comfort and assurance in knowing that His way is best ALL the time. True.
i just ask you to remember, when was the last time you REALLY wanted something to happen and was a little antsy "waiting" on God? Well, that's where i am right now.
So. Like. "ANY DAY NOW, GOD!" would be okay with me. lol
Thursday, December 3, 2009
In the presence of....
Last night, in the Chili's restaurant out on highway 66, we ate dinner with the family of our daughter's boyfriend.
It was during that dinner that i found myself right smack dab in the middle of true goodness. i met a pair of parents who have made incredible sacrifices for their family. One being how the mother worked the night shift for 10 years while the father worked AND took care of the 3 children. The youngest being only a baby at the start of those 10 years.
I learned they work those kinds of jobs that require lots of hard work and often long hours and for all too often lower pay than what is deserving of the work they do.
i was very humbled, to say the least.
At the end of the dinner, the mother shared much they want, like any other parent, for their children to have the things they didn't and to achieve the goals they weren't able to. What humbled me the most was when she said something to the effect that they didn't want their children to end up like them. i'm almost positive my jaw hit the table at this point.
Here are two parents who obviously love their children with such abundant hearts and have been willing to sacrifice a great deal to make sure they have a good life. i think they sell themselves way too short! i think their kids should grow up to be EXACTLY like them. To embrace their culture and heritage. To know the joy of what it is to see they own kids achieve things they didn't.
All i have to say is: To the Barajas parents and family: Thank you for breaking bread (okay, chips and salsa) with us and sharing a glimpse of what your life has been and where you want to see your children go.
And to God? Well, as always. God. Thank you for once again providing me the opportunity to remember how good it feels to be humbled. How awesome is it to feel pride. And that during this season of "giving" that what matters is what we give of our hearts and souls and to You.
It was during that dinner that i found myself right smack dab in the middle of true goodness. i met a pair of parents who have made incredible sacrifices for their family. One being how the mother worked the night shift for 10 years while the father worked AND took care of the 3 children. The youngest being only a baby at the start of those 10 years.
I learned they work those kinds of jobs that require lots of hard work and often long hours and for all too often lower pay than what is deserving of the work they do.
i was very humbled, to say the least.
At the end of the dinner, the mother shared much they want, like any other parent, for their children to have the things they didn't and to achieve the goals they weren't able to. What humbled me the most was when she said something to the effect that they didn't want their children to end up like them. i'm almost positive my jaw hit the table at this point.
Here are two parents who obviously love their children with such abundant hearts and have been willing to sacrifice a great deal to make sure they have a good life. i think they sell themselves way too short! i think their kids should grow up to be EXACTLY like them. To embrace their culture and heritage. To know the joy of what it is to see they own kids achieve things they didn't.
All i have to say is: To the Barajas parents and family: Thank you for breaking bread (okay, chips and salsa) with us and sharing a glimpse of what your life has been and where you want to see your children go.
And to God? Well, as always. God. Thank you for once again providing me the opportunity to remember how good it feels to be humbled. How awesome is it to feel pride. And that during this season of "giving" that what matters is what we give of our hearts and souls and to You.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Simple Prayers for not-so simple troubles
I'm on the Prayer Team at our church.
All to often, i get wrapped up in my own issues that when i get a list like the one i received below, i become humbled in just how truly lucky, and blessed, i really am.
If you have a moment, would you mind adding your prayers for them?
Paying for those you don't know can often be therapeutic.
(and now the email from the pastor in charge of the prayer Team)
All to often, i get wrapped up in my own issues that when i get a list like the one i received below, i become humbled in just how truly lucky, and blessed, i really am.
If you have a moment, would you mind adding your prayers for them?
Paying for those you don't know can often be therapeutic.
(and now the email from the pastor in charge of the prayer Team)
“To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.”
---Martin Luther King
Please remember the following needs in prayer:
1. Tyler: stomach issues
2. Linda: Cranial hemorrhage: home from the hospital
3. Peggy: Back pain and degenerating discs in back
4. Jon: find his way back to God
5. Anna: breast cancer
6. Matt: brain tumor
7. Michelle: needs a car
8. Linda: depression
9. David: Anxiety attacks
10. Shelley: brother in a car accident
11. Bobbie: hip replacement
Thank you for remembering these needs...
Pastor David
---Martin Luther King
Please remember the following needs in prayer:
1. Tyler: stomach issues
2. Linda: Cranial hemorrhage: home from the hospital
3. Peggy: Back pain and degenerating discs in back
4. Jon: find his way back to God
5. Anna: breast cancer
6. Matt: brain tumor
7. Michelle: needs a car
8. Linda: depression
9. David: Anxiety attacks
10. Shelley: brother in a car accident
11. Bobbie: hip replacement
Thank you for remembering these needs...
Pastor David
All too often i lack the faith i need to follow that which God has set before me.
i really don't like that in myself.
Guess it's beats walking around for roughly 3+ hours with my fly down....which i've done....more than once.
i really don't like that in myself.
Guess it's beats walking around for roughly 3+ hours with my fly down....which i've done....more than once.
You just won't give up, will You?
You love me even when i'm at my best, which as YOU very wll know can be quite often.
i know i don't deserve it but thank You so much for never giving up.
i'll get there.
You love me even when i'm at my best, which as YOU very wll know can be quite often.
i know i don't deserve it but thank You so much for never giving up.
i'll get there.
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