Monday, January 21, 2013

I don't wanna.....

I am really struggling right now. I have to make a decision I don't want to make, but make it, I will.

It's about the Antelope Island Buffalo Run 50K I'm signed up for. Due to work, church and family issues, I haven't been able to run a lot of the training miles I should have at this point....but I REALLY want to go!

Yesterday's 5-miler left me with a soreness in my right knee that's kept me chair-bound the majority of the day.....but....that was on concrete and the Buffalo Run is on earth.

It's a 1300+ mile drive just to run 31 miles....but....I'd really love the adventure.....but Bugsy (my '74 super beetle) might just not be up for the trip.

I know my body and how it heals and I know my limitations....but my heart is yelling louder than my head (and knee).

ugh....I hate this!

I know the end decision's going to be....I just don't want to accept it yet. :(

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Don't Panic.....RUN!!!!!!

Trying not to freak myself out.

I've signed up for my first 50K, the Antelope Island Buffalo Run, in Utah on March 23. Check it out====> Antelop Island Buffalo Run

Did i mention it's my first?    (*teeth chattering*)

Ddon't get me wrong, i'm as excited as hell at testing my endurance not only at this distance but on trail running as well.   I've NEVER been considered a fast runner by ANY stretch of the imagination but recently when i learned that you basically take your average road pace and add 3-4 minutes?  Well, now i'm just getting scared whether or not i'll finish in the 10 1/2 hour course limit.  But i'm still willing to try!

There's just so much to learn and consider.

      I live in Texas at around 550 feet above sea level. This event starts at 4,200 with it's highest point around 5,000.

     I'm a newbie to both trail running and 50K so i've learned there's new course etiquette i need to learn. You mean i can't just run on the sidewalk when i'm passing or being passed?

     Drop bags!  What the hell do i put in them and how many do i need????

    And, so, so , so much more!!!!

So, yeah.  Fear!  Trepidation!  Excitement!  Anticipation!  among other feelings are plaguing me at the moment.  Wish me luck!

Happy Running!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Gotta tell ya'.....i'm not so much a fan these days!!!!

i was raised to always believe that ALL people are just inherently "good".  That they had to CHOOSE to be bad.  Regardless of the environment they grew up, experiences they've faces, etc... ad infinitum. 

Now, this is not a invitation for a discussion on that because logically i understand how all that has an impact on the choices we make in life.  i just mean that deep down to the very core of our being, we are just plain "good".  You know what i mean?

These days, however, more and more events are happening in the world, in this country, in the company i work for, in my own neighborhood and even in my own home.  What the hell is going on with everyone?  GEEZ!!!!

Case in point.  Heading off to work this morning, i walked out to my car only to find that it had been broken into and ransacked.  The glove box had been emptied on to the floorboard and rummaged through.  Oh, and get this, just yesterday i had installed a new radio to replace the one that got stolen last year (around this same time) in the company parking lot.

Fortunately, BECAUSE of the new radio installation and other work i did to the car yesterday (the very same one in my profile pic), i had removed the faceplate and locked the car.  Here's the kicker (i guess.)  NOTHING was taken.  Not the $1+ in change in had on the floorboard.  Not the speakers.  None of the paperwork.  Not the garage door remote.  Toll tag and various other things i had in the car.  Obviously they just wanted the radio.  It was obvious they had tried to pull it out but since i installed it in such a way to make it MUCH harder to steal and the faceplate was not there, they must've changed their mind.  Well, that or someone/something scared them away.

i just don't get it.  This stinking, selfish desire in some people to think THEY need to take others' things without considering what it means to them.  i beginning to think that these people are just inherently "BAD" and can't even fathom the possibility of making "good" choices.  You know?  These things just sometimes make me want to give up on my hope of what people IN GENERAL can achieve because of those few that screw it up for everyone else.

Now, if you've read of my previous posts, you'd know how committed i am to my faith and "serving" those around me but man, these things can have a way of sidetracking that belief and giving up.  Of course i won't.  Just like last year, i'll get over this.....maybe.

That's all i got......just venting!  Thanks for hanging in there.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Getting motivated about getting motivated...well, sort of....

Over all the MANY years i've been running, i've participated in so many of the organized events here in the Dallas area that i've found that i've lost the motivation to get excited about repeating any of them.  My running AND my body, have suffered greatly for that.

And then, as i was picking up my race packet for yet ANOTHER Dad's Day 5K, it was like the heavens parted and shown glorious light down on a flier for the Tyler Rose Marathon/Half-Marathon/5K coming up in October.  i swear, i think i heard a heavenly choir sing as i picked it up and started reading it.  Oh, and get was perfect timing to fit the 18-week marathon training program i've always used in training for the marathon's i've done.  If that ain't divine intervention, i don't know what is!  :))

Anyhoo, i've started training and am feeling that excitement and motivation i felt so many years ago when i trained for my first marathon.  i LOVE this feeling!!!!


Thursday, March 18, 2010

It was AS IF i was there!!!!!

Yep!  Saw it in Digital 3-D.  i thought it was great!  i liked that it wasn't just a re-telling of the same story.

Ever since 21 JumpStreet, i've been a Johnny Depp fan and ever since Frankenweenie, i've made it a point to see any and everything Tim Burton does.

Go see it....particularly in 3D.  The Cheshire Cat alone is worth the extra bucks.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It Hurts When I Cry

let me just say up front, i know "Yo Momma" jokes are just plain wrong but i kinda liked this one:

Yo momma so ugly she made an onion cry.  

laters!  Have a great day!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I've been a BAD boy!

Recently a men's group started up at our church.  The topic of study is the spiritual disciplines.  Disciplines we should turn to when needing to get closer to, and understand more of, God.  The book we're following is Richard Foster's "Celebration of Discipline".  Awesome book, i tell ya'!

What has struck me as highly ironic is, when i look at my own attempts at these discipline, how closely my dedication to them falls directly in line with my disciplines for running.

i know i've posted before about how close my running experience is to my faith and how they pretty much go hand-in-hand for me, meaning as i slide in one, i slide in the other.  As i go farther in one, i go farther in the other (pun intended).  i don't like that i do that but there it is.  However, what i'm REALLY liking is as we're going through these spiritual disciplines, i'm seeing just how similar they are to those we, as runners, follow.  I'm listing here just a few of those that have particularly been rattling about in this little ol' pea-brain of mine:

Meditation:  Spiritual:   Finding a passage, a verse or even a single word in the Bible that jumps out at me and centering my thoughts on it throughout day.  Focusing on why it touched me, how it makes me feel, where am i in my belief of it, etc...
                              Running:  Just before taking off (particular in a race).  Centering my thoughts on the distance, the course, the pace i want to set, how i'm feeling, where am i hurting, calming my nerves, the training i did leading up to this particular, run, etc....

Fasting: Spiritual: The idea here being to separate myself from the thing(s) that can often replace God in my life and focus on replacing it WITH God.
                   Running:  Obvious.  Removing certain foods or liquids from my diet that harm my body and replacing them with healthier options.

Study: Spiritual: Here, i'm not just reading the Bible.  i'm also pulling in other writings, ideas, etc... that dive deeper into whatever passages i'm interested in at the time. i'm looking for more insight, guidance or explanation to what i'm reading.
                   Running:  Reading my subscription to Runner's World. , RunnerDude, books by George Sheehan, or books on the Badwater UltraMarathon...the list is endless.  Of course, the idea being that the more i read of others' experience and advice, the better i'll do.

I'll stop at this point because 1) the list is amazingly extensive and, 2) well, that as far as we've gotten in the study so far.   :))

Admittedly, if i had to make the decision to replace my running with God, i would have a really, REALLY hard time with making that decision.  As long as i keep the right perspective on it all, i'm hoping it never gets to that point.  Besides, the invitation stands that whenever He wants to lace up His Nikes and join me, He's always welcome....or would He prefer New Balance?  (get it?  "balance"?  Faith and running?  "BALANCE?"...okay, maybe it's only funny to me)

i appreciate you hanging in this long and i certainly hope that whichever of these areas, or any other you're interested in, that you are finding the discipline(s) you need to help you grow deeper in it.

God Bless and Happy Running!